About Us
Who is Healing in America Midwest?
Healing in America Midwest is the official branch of Healing in America that serves everything from the Dakotas to Ohio. Based out of the Woodsedge Wellness and Healing Center in Michigan, our trainers are native to the region and are proud to be bringing holistic energy healing to underserved communities.
We believe energy is all around us, every day in our normal lives. We use energy productively with tools like electricity. Yet there are so many ways that we interact with energy and don’t even recognize it. The first step to learning about energy is more like a discovery of it. In our classes, we introduce you to using energy as a practice. As you may have heard, there are many different types of Energy Therapy. Some people refer to modalities such as Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Sound Therapy, Light Therapy, and there’s more. All these different practices have the same foundation practice of using energy therapy for healing. At Healing in America – Midwest, our trainers come from the medical side of life. We have nursing backgrounds (career-wise) and have seen firsthand how energy therapy has helped many people. We are also “into” the science behind how it all works and would love to share this with you. In this introductory class, we will give you a glimpse into these types of practices and explore the ones that we work with.
Everyone is welcome! We have a diverse group of people seeking out energy therapy. Many people are introduced to this at times of real need. Typically when they are trying to overcome a barrier in life or even a medical need. Our groups are inclusive of everyone, any age with any background. Come learn with us!
Who is Healing in America?
Healing in America is a 501 (C)3 non-profit formed as a result of international healers Roger Ford & Kim Vincent being guided to Ojai, CA from Britain at the end of 2002 to continue the work they had been doing for the previous 20 years.
Building on the work Roger and Kim did in England, the Certified Holistic Energy Healing Practitioner Training is carried out in several States around the MidWest. The workshops provide continuing education contact hours and are approved by the California Board of Registered Nurses, The America Holistic Nurses Association, and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork.
Energy healing is one of the oldest medical interventions and is being recognized today as the medicine of the future.
Energy Healing is provided by certified practitioners in a growing number of healthcare settings such as hospitals and hospices, and is administered to veterans as well as to many other individuals who are seeking help.

What is Energy Healing?
Energy Healing is the therapeutic act of restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.
Energy Healing is the act of restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit of the client. It is a therapeutic approach that is natural, non-invasive, and holistic. The intention is to promote self-healing and bring about a sense of well-being and peace to the client.
An energy healing practitioner is able to act as a conduit, connecting to the life force, and will either lightly touch or work a few inches from the body. This allows energy to pass into the client’s energy field, thus restoring balance and harmony.
Learning some practical techniques to help others is unbelievably rewarding, but it is important to learn how to preserve your own energy when working with others. As practitioners, we provide a safe and warm environment for this healing process to begin.
Integrating our Mind, Body, and Soul
Learn how the mind is the first place that can facilitate positive growth and healing. We teach healers how to harness their thoughts into positivity and health.
Our bodies manifest the outcomes of our environment and our minds and it is up to us to nurture our bodies through meditation and relaxation- to give our bodies the ability to breathe back in the positive energy from the earth.
This is who we truly are-our essence- our authentic self and in order to keep ourselves well, we should be in alignment with our truth. Life and circumstances can easily take us off course, but we know in our hearts when we are not aligned. By coming back to our center our bodies heal themselves.